
About the Institute

The Climate & Atmospheric Sciences Institute (CASI) is a multidisciplinary research group of researchers whose primary objective is to facilitate and promote the advancement of fundamental research in areas of Climate Dynamics, Climate Change and its effects on societal activities, and Environmental Sciences, with a strong emphasis on post graduate student (MSc and PhD) training through research.

We have active collaborations with researchers in Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, the Philippines, Spain, Sierra Leone, South Africa, and the United States.

CASI researchers and collaborators actively contribute to the training of future scientists through the sharing of their knowledge, experience and resources among researchers and institutions, to facilitate the development of leading edge research in their areas of interest.

General Areas of Research

The members of CASI have broad interests in climate and environmental science, problems, and solutions. Our main research areas include:

Fundamental Science: Climate Dynamics, Land Surface Processes, Climate Change Impacts, Biogeochemical Cycles, and Earth System Model Development

Applied and Social Science: Geothermal and Wind Energy, the Economics of Climate Change, Impacts of Climate Change on Communities in the Global South, Examining Community Resilience in Response to Consequences as a Result of Climate Change.

Some of our team are members of the Climate and Environment Program at St. FX University and were associated with the Environmental Sciences Research Centre (2004-2011) and the NSERC CREATE Training Program in Climate Sciences (2010-2016).