Graduate Students

Current Graduate Students

The CASI places a strong emphasis on post graduate student training through research (MSc and PhD).

We speak English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Ignacio Hermoso, PhD. Candidate, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Earth energy balance from the millennia CMIP5 simulations: continental heat storage. (Beltrami)

Almudena Garcia-Garcia, PhD (Environmental Sciences) Candidate, Memorial University of Newfoundland and St. Francis Xavier University. Interactions between land and atmosphere and climate modelling. (Beltrami)

Francisco Jose Cuesta-Valero, PhD (Environmental Sciences) Candidate, Memorial University of Newfoundland and St. Francis Xavier University,  Earth’s energy and its effect on climate simulations. (Beltrami)

Etor Emanuel Lucio Eceiza, PhD Candidate, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. High resolution modeling and analysis of wind fields in onshore and offshore regions of Atlantic Canada.

Carlos Mondejar-Igualada, MSc candidate, St. Francis Xavier University. Regional Climate Models and Air-Ground Coupling: Experiments with the WRF. (Beltrami, MacDougall)

Danny Pink, MSc candidate, St. Francis Xavier University. Greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogen loaded agricultural streams. (Kellman)

Stephanie MacIntyre, MSc candidate, St. Francis Xavier University. The quality and quantity of mineral soil carbon loss following clearcut harvesting. (Kellman)

Amanda Vosman, MSc candidate, St. Francis Xavier University. Examining reactive nitrogen loss from agricultural fields under variable drainage conditions [Co-supervised with Dr. E. Smith, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada] (Kellman).

Carrie-Ellen Gabriel, PhD candidate, Dalhousie University. How disturbance alters the stability of mineral soil carbon. (Kellman)

Recent and Current Undergraduate Students:

Nesha Wright, Environmental Sciences Honours. (2017). Temperature extremes in the CORDEX simulations for Atlantic Canada. Co-supervised with Doctoral candidates A. Garcia-Garcia and F. Cuesta-Valero. Presently graduate student st Simon Fraser University, BC.

Sarah MacLead, Environmental Sciences Honours. (2014). Deforestation Experiments with the University of Victoria GCM. (Beltrami). Presently MSc student at Dalhousie University.

Previous Graduate Students (since 2002):

Carolyne Pickler, PhD (2017, Sciences de l’environnement) Candidate, Université du Québec à Montréal. Borehole Climatology : Retrieving Climate from Under Ground.


Almudena Garcia-Garcia, MSc (2017) St. Francis Xavier University. Air – Ground coupling in the CMIP5 GCM simulations.

Francisco Jose Cuesta-Valero, MSc  (2017), St. Francis Xavier University.   Subsurface heat content in the CMIP5 GCM simulations.

Fernando Jaume-Santero, MSc. (2016), Université du Québec à Montréal. North American Ground Surface Temperature Histories: A Contribution to the PAGES2k North American Project.

Arlette Chacon, MSc. (2016), Université du Québec à Montréal.
Effect of crops on climate in North America using Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM).

Michelle McPherson, MSc (2016), St. Francis Xavier University. Climate change, future ground warming and the propagation of Lyme disease: Public health perspectives in Atlantic Canada.

Edmundo Gurza Fausto, MSc (2014), St. Francis Xavier University. Borehole Climatology in the South America.

Nada Jagodic, MSc (2012), St. Francis Xavier University. Borehole Climatology in the Canadian Arctic.

Patrick Longobardi, MSc (2012), St. Francis Xavier University. Long-term climate and surface-atmosphere response to deforestation.

Brian Hansen, MSc (2012), St. Francis Xavier University. Simulating the Effects of Climate Change on a Coastal Aquifer, Summerside, Prince Edward Island.

Calvin Beebe, MSc (2012), St. Francis Xavier University. Investigation of Occurrance and Assessment of Risk of Saltwater Intrusion in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Amanda Diochon, PhD (2009), Dalhousie University [NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship and NSERC PDF award recipient] Forest soil carbon dynamics across a managed red spruce forest chronosequence.

Christian Chouinard, PhD, (2008) GEOTOP , Programme de Doctorat en sciences de l’environnement , Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal Canada. Borehole climatology.

Bruce Stevens, MSc. (2006) St Francis Xavier University, Experiments with the general circulation model ECHO-g: Paleoclimatic reconstructions and bottom boundary sensitivities.

Lanying Zhao, MSc (2005) St. Francis Xavier University, Impact of long-term changes of seasonal snow cover on the ground thermal regime.

Daniela Nitoui, MSc (2005) St. Francis Xavier University, Ground surface temperature history reconstruction from geothermal data and the influence of land disruptions on the subsurface temperature profiles.

David Risk, MSc, (2002) St. Francis Xavier University, Determining the physical controls on carbon dioxide production in the soil profile: Studies from four sites in Eastern Canada.

Climate & Atmospheric Sciences Institute

CASI researchers and collaborators actively contribute to the training of future scientists.